Familieportret 2

Richardt Strydom

This work depicts and exposes, both literally and figuratively, the extreme misery, the pathos and dehumanization of poverty. In a true sense, it is a picture of severe loss and finally a loss of human dignity. At the same time, there is indeed a hidden sexual message in the couple's nakedness and the presence of the baby doll on the mother's breast. It is the message that when earthly possessions are lost, there is still an obstinate will to live and love. A will which manifests itself to procreate as is pertinently apparent in many parts of the world that suffer the most enduring poverty, including our own country and the rest of Africa. The fact that the woman holds a doll could also imply male impotency in the face of social dystopia.

Richardt Strydom's winning work certainly has sparked much discussion and debate within Sasol. We are proud of our 19-year association with this competition and recognise the important position the competition has secured within the South African art calendar. There is no doubt that the important stature of the competition is also a product of the rigorous judging process and the high calibre of that judging panel.

Sasol has not in the past, nor plans in the future, to offer any form of censure or controls within the New Signatures judging process but we do believe we have a right to express a view on any decision by the judges, both to the judges and to the public.

We will naturally accept the decision of the judges. We also recognise that some members of the Sasol staff as well as some members of the public may be challenged or even offended by the piece and we feel it is both responsible and appropriate, that we distance Sasol from the artwork.

Sasol proudly supports the arts and our company art collection contains many very challenging works of art. While we support artistic integrity we also respect differing views on what is acceptable.