How to compile the Artist's CV

As an artist, there are three documents which are always required for any submission, either to a gallery, educational institution or competition.  These are your biography, CV and artist’s statement. It is advisable that you keep your biography and CV updated, adding to the information as events occur.  It is important to differentiate between the types of documents, and their function.  This fact sheet focusses on CVs.

What is a CV?

The Curriculum Vitae or CV is a summary of a person’s career, qualifications, education etc. Keep in mind that the Artist’s CV differs in format from CVs used for job applications.  For the Artist’s CV it is common practice to include details of solo and group exhibitions, residencies, competitions, publications and public collections which own some of the artist’s works.

What to include:

  • Your name and surname, as well as alternative names you may use for professional purposes
  • Your contact details, including your email, telephone number/s
  • The geographic area you reside in
  • Gallery representation details if applicable
  • Your website/s and social media handles
  • Relevant employment history, together with dates (art related only)
  • Relevant educational history, together with dates and details of the qualification and institution studied at
  • Two separate lists of solo and group exhibitions, including dates and venue. Include art fairs and other exhibition types such as biennales
  • Details of residencies attended
  • Details of awards, scholarships or bursaries
  • Details of publications, and links to these if available online

NB:  Remember this is a full list of details normally included for all Artist’s CVs. For the competition, certain restrictions apply, such as gallery representation and solo exhibitions not for academic purposes.  Ensure that your submission is aligned with the requirements set out in the Entry Form.

What to exclude:

  • Do not include any sensitive personal information which may affect your safety or privacy such as tax numbers, bank account details, marital status etc.
  • Any unrelated information or experience in other disciplines or fields
  • Employment history and references are only included on CVs for job applications
  • Skills are only listed on CVs for job applications
  • Images, profile pictures and excessive decorative borders


  • Keep it short and relevant!
  • Arrange all information according to date, listing the most recent events first, and the rest in descending order.

Ensure that your document is neatly laid out and free of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.  If preferred the editable Sasol New Signatures CV template can be used.

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