The leader shall govern

Mulatedzi Simon Moshapo

The leader shall govern
90 cm x 120 cm x 90 cm

As the tile leads the viewer to believe, this work deals with political power struggles that, according to the artist, “plague Africa for centuries”.  The work offers historical commentary on hegemony which forces some minority cultural groups to seek exile in neighbouring countries.  The conceptual underpinning of the work is further strengthened by allowing the viewer(s) multiple access point into a ‘chaotic’ narrative that is honest, and delightful in its visual complexity. 

While traditional South African woodcarving seems to have lost impetus in contemporary visual art in recent years, Moshapo offers a new and innovative approach to this traditional craft that shows high levels of skill and craftsmanship.  At this level, the execution of the piece, including its detail, seems to transcend the material it is made from.