Colleen Winter

There was a time in my life when I underwent many changes and I needed to withdraw and re-assess all the values I had previously upheld. It was a time of great emotional upheaval and confusion. I felt as if I was inside a cocoon, and always held on to the fact that one day this metamorphosis would be complete, and I would re-emerge, equipped and empowered and ready for a ‘new’ kind of life. 

Cocoons relate to metamorphosis and transformation. When a caterpillar spins a cocoon and pupates within it, it undergoes drastic changes, and becomes what I call ‘cosmic soup.’ All the life systems that enabled its previous functioning dissolve into an amorphous mush, and then, slowly, new systems begin to form and come together to produce a new entity.

Many times I felt like this cosmic soup, and had to wait it out until the process, often painful and difficult, was over.

My artwork is a response to this experience of transformation and to the ongoing changes in one’s life.